NEW: This article has been updated to include additional to-do items for the fall garden, including Farmers' Almanac weather forecasts and moon phases, November 2015.
Transplant: Divide and replant crowded perennials throughout the winter months. Transplant chives, garlic and multiplying onions. Now is the best time to move woody ornamentals. Prepare the new site before transplanting.
Lawn Care: Bring a sample of problem turf into your local Extension Office in a labeled plastic bag for analysis. A mulching mower makes raking leaves obsolete or use grass catcher as a mulch catcher. Use shredded leaves and grass clippings as a mulch or put into the compost bin.
Prune: After blooming, chrysanthemums should be cut back almost to the ground. Prune long, gangly shoots on shrubs. Remove dead and damaged wood from shrubs and trees.
Early�Mid Month: Carrot, Chard, Mustard, Turnip
All Month: Lettuce, Radish, Spinach
Borage, Burnet, Caraway, Catnip, Celeriac, Chamomile, Chervil, Chives, Comfrey, Coriander, Cumin, Dill,Fennel, Fenugreek, Lemon Balm, Mexican Mint Marigold, Mint, Oregano, Parsley, Rosemary, Sage, Santolina, Winter Savory, Sorrel, Thyme, Yarrow
Fruit: Strawberries
Flower Plants
ajuga, alyssum, bluebonnet, butterfly weed, calendula, candytuft, carnation, cornflower, dianthus, daisy, euryops, forget-me-not, gazania, indian blanket, liatris, nasturtium, ornamental cabbage and kale, pansy, penstemon, petunia, phlox, obedient plant, snapdragon, stock
Flower Seeds
alyssum, bluebonnet, calendula, candytuft, cornflower, daisy, delphinium, hollyhock, larkspur, nasturtium, pansy, petunia, phlox, pinks, california poppy, scabiosa, snapdragon, sweet pea, sweet william, verbena, viola, wildflowers.
agapanthus, allium, alstroemeria, amarcrinum, amaryllis (in containers), anemone, ground orchid, calla, crinum, crocus, daffodil, freesia, spicer lily, ipheion, dutch iris, spuria iris, ixia, snowflake, lily, liriope, monkey grass, muscari, star of bethlehem, rain lily, society garlic, spraxis, aztec lily, watsonia.
How to get free seeds for your first garden, Mother Nature's Network
Garden Planner, The Old Farmer's Almanac
Growing Calendar by Zip Code, Burpee Seeds
Cooperative Extension Service Offices Country-wide
P. Allen Smith GARDEN HOME (Disclaimer: Mr. Smith is my father's cousin. I'd think he and his website was just as fabulous if he wasn't. Promise.)
Garden Planner, Online Trial Version
USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map, United States Department of Agriculture
17 Easy-to-start seeds for beginner gardeners, Mother Nature's Network
Tasks and planting guides courtesy of the Garden Guide for Austin & Vicinity, published by the Travis County Master Gardener Association, copyright 2000-2002, via Central Texas Gardener
Fallen leaves lying on the grass in the November sun bring more happiness than the daffodils--Cyril Connolly
Fertilize: Fertilize strawberry beds with a 3-1-2 ratio fertilizer. Keep soil moist to promote good plant vigor and berry production next spring.
Water: Water everything well before a freeze, but avoid overwatering.
Transplant: Divide and replant crowded perennials throughout the winter months. Transplant chives, garlic and multiplying onions. Now is the best time to move woody ornamentals. Prepare the new site before transplanting.
Prepare Soil: Have landscape and garden soils tested now to determine soil balancing needs. Check winter mulch and replenish if needed. Stockpile leaves for mulch and composting throughout spring and summer.
Lawn Care: Bring a sample of problem turf into your local Extension Office in a labeled plastic bag for analysis. A mulching mower makes raking leaves obsolete or use grass catcher as a mulch catcher. Use shredded leaves and grass clippings as a mulch or put into the compost bin.
Diseases/Pests to Look For: Watch roots of removed annuals for nematodes (knots on the roots). Check houseplants for spider mites, scale and mealy bugs.
Prune: After blooming, chrysanthemums should be cut back almost to the ground. Prune long, gangly shoots on shrubs. Remove dead and damaged wood from shrubs and trees.
9th-11th Start seedbeds. First two days are good days for transplanting and for planting carrots, beets, onions, turnips, Irish potatoes, and other root crops in the South. Last day is good for planting cabbage, celery, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, collards, and other leafy vegetables in southern Florida, Texas, and California. 12th-13th Poor planting days. 14th-16th Good days for planting peas, squash, corn, tomatoes, and other aboveground crops in southern Florida, Texas, and California. 17th-18th A good time to kill plant pests or do plowing. Poor for planting. 19th-20th Favorable days for planting aboveground crops where climate allows. 21st-22nd Seeds planted now will grow poorly and yield little. 23rd-24th Fine for planting beans, peppers, cucumbers, melons, and other aboveground crops where climate is suitable. Plant root crops where climate permits. 25th-26th Any seed planted now will tend to rot. 27th-28th Start seedbeds and flower gardens. Good days for transplanting. Best planting days for fall potatoes, turnips, onions, carrots, beets, and other root crops where climate is suitable. 29th-30th Grub out weeds, briars, and other plant pests.
8th-11th. Turning unsettled with gusty winds, heavy precipitation; some wet snow northern New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma. Unusually late hurricane threat for Gulf Coast. 12th-15th. Rain for Texas, points east, then clearing. Fair elsewhere. 16th-19th. Blustery, snow for Plains States. 20th-23rd. Fair, cold. 24th-27th. Unsettled for Thanksgiving holiday, with light snow Rockies, Plains. Fair, then rain for Texas. 28th-30th. Fair skies, then stormy.
Full Beaver Moon � November This was the time to set beaver traps before the swamps froze, to ensure a supply of warm winter furs. Another interpretation suggests that the name Full Beaver Moon comes from the fact that the beavers are now actively preparing for winter. It is sometimes also referred to as the Frosty Moon.
Forecasts for additional U.S. and Canada regions, can be found at the Farmers Almanac website.
Early�Mid Month: Carrot, Chard, Mustard, Turnip
All Month: Lettuce, Radish, Spinach
Borage, Burnet, Caraway, Catnip, Celeriac, Chamomile, Chervil, Chives, Comfrey, Coriander, Cumin, Dill,Fennel, Fenugreek, Lemon Balm, Mexican Mint Marigold, Mint, Oregano, Parsley, Rosemary, Sage, Santolina, Winter Savory, Sorrel, Thyme, Yarrow
Fruit: Strawberries
Flower Plants
ajuga, alyssum, bluebonnet, butterfly weed, calendula, candytuft, carnation, cornflower, dianthus, daisy, euryops, forget-me-not, gazania, indian blanket, liatris, nasturtium, ornamental cabbage and kale, pansy, penstemon, petunia, phlox, obedient plant, snapdragon, stock
Flower Seeds
alyssum, bluebonnet, calendula, candytuft, cornflower, daisy, delphinium, hollyhock, larkspur, nasturtium, pansy, petunia, phlox, pinks, california poppy, scabiosa, snapdragon, sweet pea, sweet william, verbena, viola, wildflowers.
agapanthus, allium, alstroemeria, amarcrinum, amaryllis (in containers), anemone, ground orchid, calla, crinum, crocus, daffodil, freesia, spicer lily, ipheion, dutch iris, spuria iris, ixia, snowflake, lily, liriope, monkey grass, muscari, star of bethlehem, rain lily, society garlic, spraxis, aztec lily, watsonia.
How to get free seeds for your first garden, Mother Nature's Network
Garden Planner, The Old Farmer's Almanac
Growing Calendar by Zip Code, Burpee Seeds
Cooperative Extension Service Offices Country-wide
P. Allen Smith GARDEN HOME (Disclaimer: Mr. Smith is my father's cousin. I'd think he and his website was just as fabulous if he wasn't. Promise.)
Garden Planner, Online Trial Version
USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map, United States Department of Agriculture
17 Easy-to-start seeds for beginner gardeners, Mother Nature's Network
Tasks and planting guides courtesy of the Garden Guide for Austin & Vicinity, published by the Travis County Master Gardener Association, copyright 2000-2002, via Central Texas Gardener
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