CLASSES | The Seasonal Plate | Johnson's Backyard Garden with Maggie Perkins

Overwhelmed with the seasonal options at the farmers market? Stymied by how to make the most of your CSA share? Want to incorporate more vegetables as part as your healthy lifestyle but just don't know where to begin? WE HEAR YOU!

Join market chef Maggie Perkins, in partnership with Johnson's Backyard Garden, as she prepares a vegetable-centric meal from seasonal vegetables all found in this month's Central Texas farms and fields, then take home your recipes, your new-found skills, and YOUR COMPLETE JOHNSON'S BACKYARD GARDEN CSA SHARE.

Maggie will share the best tips, tricks, and techniques for making the most of your market basket bounty, including how to set up your pantry for easy, tasty meals with minimal prep and maximum flavor.

February's seasonal vegetables may include beets, brussels sprouts and greens, cabbage, carrots, dandelion greens, kale, spinach, parsley, lettuces, scallions, sweet potatoes, radishes, and turnips. Dishes served include vegetarian, vegan, and meat-eating options.

Soups, stews, stir-fries, sauces, appetizers, salads, entrees, and more, join this intimate class to elevate your vegetables from plain Jane to POW!

Reserve your ticket below. REGISTRATION ENDS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26.

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