So, honestly, every month is chockful of classes, demos, private parties and special events with From Maggie's Farm, but not every month gets its proper due on this blog. Sometimes, I get so busy doing all of those neat things, I don't have time for the marketing end of said neat things. (In fact, I'm looking for an intern to help with it all, if you know someone who is well-versed in social media marketing and curious about food entrepreneurship.) But I'm working on it. And I've got a lot of irons in the fire that I look forward to sharing in upcoming months.
For now, check out what's going on in March! with a nod to St. Patrick's Day, we have a lot of classes on the calendar to prepare for your celebratory luck o' the Irish noshing, along with Learn to Cook classes, bread making, cheese making, fermentation, pasta making, date nights, an Asian Dumpling party, A Mediterranean style Mezze feast, and more, more, more. Check it out below!
You can also find this information at the Classes & Events link in the navigation bar, above. And even when I fall behind on the fancy listings (because the cooking comes before the blogging part, a LOT), you can always see what I'm up to on the Google calendar below, which can also be found on the Classes & Events page.
Tickets to this month's classes can be found on
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